Monday, November 3, 2008


Boo-Hoo, Y'all! This was the MOST BLAH Halloween ever! I suppose that I am really just a kid inside. Being well over the age of 12, I no longer dress in costume. but I DO love to decorate thee house and get treats ready for all who drop by to ring the door bell. Annie B was gone for the weekend with friends to the mountains to celebrate a birthday, so the Hubby was at home with me, along with the BIG POODLE.
Hubs helped to put out the giggling ghostie on the front porch, and I replaced the usual American flag with a spookier one that I made years ago, just for the evening. I brought out the silver(and appropriately tarnished) candlabras to give the front hall a spooky glow. There was a HUGE bowl of candy treats for visiting gobleins and special home-made cupcakes for special neighbors and/or my students.
It got dark, and the candles were all lit in the jack-o-lantern, with a funny ghost hanging from the yellow and red leafed oak tree in the front yard. We were READY!
I now know what it means to have a party and nobody comes. FEW children rang the bell. Rare for a Halloween here. Not certain why, but we had only 6 trick or treaters. . .TOTAL! BUMMER!
Saturday, the decs were removed and stowed for a more festive year. The candy has been bagged and was taken to Sunday School, to treat my students for good behavior(and to help ME from wearing the extra calories). I am bummed that it was a HO-Hum Halloween! Maybe everyone was at home sick. . . of all of the Election Madness! Stay tuned for that tomorrow. I vote for no more Boo-Hoo Halloweens! All treats. . . no tricks!

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