Friday, October 10, 2008

I've Been MIA!

Hi Y'all! I have been totally missing in action. Action being the main word! Lots going on with the working world, meeting the family needs and just trying to keep up with everything that I volunteered to do, before I realized that it would ALL happen at once! Truely a "stop me before I volunteer again" moment!
I was running as fast as I could, trying to be Wonder Woman at the church, the school and at home, when a funny thing happened. Wall Street decided to take a DIVE of massive proportions. The last time this happened, I was far younger, back in the 80's and had little or nothing invested. I remember being in Atlanta, buying for my store, and seeing the sheer panic on the faces of the people in the airport, as they stared blankly at the tvs in the terminal.
This time, I was the one in DISBELIEF, when I heard that Wachovia was in DEEP trouble. As a stockholder, that kind of news makes the stomach drop, as if you are in a VERY high elevator. Makes ya' want to be sick! Down to a buck a share, from close to $50.00 per share. That was more than a year of college for Annie B! That was also inheritance from my Dad. Wachovia was a "home state" stock that was to us, a blue chip investment. Even after asking my investment guy three times in as many weeks, "Should I ditch the Wachovia?" His answer was to hold it, that I did not need it anytime soon. No, not for a couple of more years. . .until it would be time to pay tuition.
So, while I was running to and fro, trying to take care of everyone, the investments that were to take care of me and my fam in the old age years have tanked.It is a scary sick feeling, all caused by the extreme greed of many near the top of their game. At this point, about all we can do is to pray that, whichever way the election rolls, it will be the "right" way. I heard about the Great Depression" a bit from grandparents. It was so painful a memory, that they spoke of it sparingly. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Bummer!
Time to put on the big girl panties and deal with it. Promise. . .No More Woeful Posts. "Tomorrow is another day", as one well known Southern Lady once said! Just call me Scarlett!

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